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(619) 797-7319



Read how Genesis Recovery Treatment Center in San Diego has helped men find the path to sobriety. Read and watch our testimonials from clients and family members.
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Helpful links

Are you searching for information on substance abuse and mental health? Genesis Recovery provides great online resources to inform and guide you towards the right path for recovery.
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Alcoholism is considered a chronic disease, meaning that it will last a person’s lifetime. However, Genesis Recovery provides the support and resources to start on your path to sobriety.
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Drug Addiction

NThe most commonly abused substances include depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and opiates. Genesis Recovery provides a safe inpatient drug rehab program with zero tolerance and a state-licensed facility to help you onto the path to sobriety.
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National Opioid Epidemic

The abuse of and addiction to opiates such as heroin, morphine, and other prescription pain relievers has become known as the national opioid epidemic, one of the worst drug crisis in the United States. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), drug addiction is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States.
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Prescription Drug Abuse

Non-medical use and abuse of prescription drugs can lead to prescription drug addiction. Prescription drug abuse includes taking a medicine that was prescribed for someone else, taking a larger dose than instructed, taking the medicine a different way than instructed (e.g. snorting or injecting tablets), and using the medicine for purposes other than treatment, such as getting high.
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National Methamphetamine Epidemic

Crystal meth also referred to as meth, is one of the most addictive, dangerous, and deadly drugs in existence yet people continue to try it every day. The following explores what meth is, and also highlights the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world, which are locations many people may find surprising. We’ll also cover some other relevant meth statistics.
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(619) 797-7319


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18985 HIGHWAY 94, DULZURA, CA 91917
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Genesis Recovery is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide Residential Treatment Services. 
License #370139AN 
Expiration 9/30/2026
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